The Outcome
Prototype 2
I had to change my mindset for my 2nd prototype. I wanted to bring more light an awareness to becoming a foster parent. Thus new and improved website not only is about the questionnaire but is also about showing people that they can and should become foster parents.
The website has a completely new look. It is now more oused on getting pepe to become foster parents and bring light to that topic. I still modify the questionnaires and they are still included in the website. I had re evaluate my project and had to have to focus more on bringing awareness to the fact that people can become foster parents and that they should. Within the website there are resources do people who are interested in becoming foster parents.

Parents Questinairs
The surface level questions are still in the questionnaire however there much more of deeper questions. There are alot of scail ad emotional questions and personality type questions. With these questions being apart of it there is much more of a foundation thta can be built off of.

Kids Questinairs
The kids questions resemble a lot of the parents. They have to be like that so it is easier for them to be matched to one another.

Expo Set Up
This was my set up for the Expo night. I had my posters set u as well as a visual representing the amount of licensed foster care parents and foster care kids in the system. I had my website pulled up for people to scroll through and on the monitor I played the interview I had conducted.
Expo Trailer
For the Expo we had to create a 30 second video trailer to tell the story of our project.